Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Excellent Audio for the Exchange of Self and Other:

Dear dharma friends,

These audio lectures are an excellent complement to our study of the Exchange of Self and Other (Chapter 8, Meditation).  They are from 2004 and focus entirely on the end of the chapter.  The first time I was exposed to this book, the lectures were similar in topic and style.  I highly recommend these and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

On transparency:

"From what I have been saying, I trust it is clear that when I can permit realness in myself or sense it or permit it in another, I am very satisfied.  When I cannot permit it in myself or fail to permit it in another, I am very distressed.  When I am able to let myself be congruent and genuine, I often help the other person.  When the other person is transparently real and congruent, he often helps me.  In those rare moments when a deep realness in one meets a realness in the other, a memorable "I-thou relationship," as Martin Buber would call it, occurs.  Such a deep and mutual personal encounter does not happen often, but I am convinced that unless it happens occasionally, we are not living as human beings." - Carl Rogers, A Way of Being.  

Many thanks to Laura Hasenstein for sharing this quote during her class!